Blogger Review: Pros and Cons of Blogger

Google Blogspot is a simple blogging platform. It is free to use and offers a variety of features, including the ability to customize your blog’s appearance.

While it is not as widely used as WordPress, especially for business websites, it is a good option for those who are looking for a simple, user-friendly platform.

In this Blogger review, I’ll tell you:

  • Pros and cons of Blogger
  • Is Blogger Good for SEO
  • And more

By the end, you’ll have everything you need to know about Google’s Blogger.

Let’s jump into this Blogger review.

Blogger Review: Everything You Need to Know

Blogger Review: Pros and Cons of Blogger

Is Blogger a Blogging Platform?

Yes, Blogger is a blogging platform. It is a free, easy-to-use platform that allows you to create and customize your own blog.

You can choose from a variety of theme templates and designs. You can also add photos, videos, and links to your blog.

Pros and Cons of Blogger

Advantages of Blogger

There are many advantages of Blogger, Google’s free blogging platform.

Here are some of the best:

It’s Easy to Use

You don’t need to be a tech expert to create a beautiful blog on Blogger. The platform is user-friendly and intuitive.

Practically, it’s super easy to start a blog and publish content with Blogger.

You won’t need more than half an hour to have an active blog on Blogger for free.

Free, Fast, and Reliable Hosting

To me, this is one of the most attractive advantages of Blogger.

Unlike some other blogging platforms that charge monthly or annual fees, Blogger is completely free to use.

Speed is important for both search engine ranking and user experience. Here are two major benefits of having a fast website:

1. Increased search engine ranking: Search engines take page speed into account when determining where to rank your website in search results. If your site is slow, you’re likely to be buried in the search results.

2. Improved user experience: Users are impatient. If your site takes too long to load, they’re likely to click away before they even see what you have to offer. A fast website ensures that users stick around and interact with your content.

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Great Website Uptime

Advantages of Blogger: Great Uptime

In this day and age, having a website is critical for businesses large and small. But what is even more important than having a website, is making sure that the website is always up and running smoothly. Website uptime is important for a number of reasons:

1. First and foremost, website downtime can cost you money. If your site is down, you are likely losing out on potential sales or leads.

2. Not to mention, website downtime can also damage your reputation. If customers or clients are trying to visit your site and it’s not working, they may not bother trying again later. This could lead them to take their business elsewhere.

3. Finally, website downtime can be frustrating for everyone involved. Your team will likely be scrambling to fix the issue while your visitors are left wondering what happened.

When your website is hosted on Google’s cloud servers, you don’t have to worry about your uptime.

User-Friendly Interface

The interface is simple and easy to navigate, and there’s a wide range of customization options available.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced blogger, you’ll find that Blogspot is a great platform to use.

Integrate Google Services Easily

Because it’s Google’s own platform, integrating its services will be fast and easy for you.

These include:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Google AdSense

Free Unlimited Storage

Advantage of Blogger: Unlimited cloud storage

Blogspot offers users free unlimited storage. This is a huge benefit for users who want to blog without having to worry about storage limits.

Even paid hosting platforms charge a decent subscription amount for their limited storage capacity.

With Blogger, there’s no cap on how much content you can publish.

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Faster Indexing

Because your website is hosted on Google’s own servers, the bots won’t have trouble indexing your web pages.

This helps you rank your blog posts for the relevant keywords faster.

It’s Customizable

With a variety of templates and layouts to choose from, you can easily create a unique look for your blog. And if you know a bit of HTML, you can further customize your blog to make it truly your own.

Free SSL

Blogspot review: Free Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

One of the coolest advantages of Blogger is that it offers unlimited free SSL.

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encrypts information sent to the server using SSL technology. SSL certificates are used by millions of websites to protect online transactions with their customers.

SSL certificates have many benefits, including:

1. Enhancing customer trust – When customers see that a website is secured with an SSL certificate, they are more likely to trust the site and feel confident doing business with it. This can result in increased sales and repeat business.

2. Preventing phishing attacks – Phishing is a type of online fraud that attempts to steal sensitive information such as credit card numbers and login credentials. Websites that use SSL certificates are less likely to be targeted by phishers, and if they are attacked, the encrypted information will be much more difficult for thieves to decipher.

No Unnecessary Ads

Most free hosting platforms like Weebly and WIX showcase ads on free websites.

But, you don’t have to worry about third-party ads on your Blogger blogs.

This was all about the pros of Blogger.

But, like anything else, Blogger does have its disadvantages.

Disadvantages of Blogger

There are a few drawbacks to using Blogger as your go-to blogging platform.

First, because it’s owned by Google, your blog is subject to the same outage issues as all of Google’s other services. This can be frustrating for users who rely on their blogs for business or personal purposes.

Another downside to Blogger is that it lacks some of the customization options that other platforms offer.

Less Control or Ownership Rights

This is one of the most repelling disadvantages of Blogger.

Unfortunately, because you’re using Google’s free services, you don’t own your domain, Google does!

The major downside of that is whenever Google deems your content inappropriate or not in line with its policies, it can delete your blog without any notice.

The worst part is you may not even be doing something wrong deliberately and your blog can still get banned.

Related Post: Affiliate Marketing with Blogger

Bad URL Structure

When you don’t use a custom URL with your Blogger blog, it doesn’t look good.

For instance, here’s what a typical Blogger blog’s URL looks like:

On the flip side, when you have a custom domain name, here’s what your URL will look like:

Prettier, right?

It’s more professional too!

So, the right way to go about blogging on Blogger is by buying a domain name and integrating it with Blogger.

Have a domain name in mind? See if it’s available on Namecheap.

The good thing is you don’t have to spend more than $10 to buy a domain for a year on Namecheap.

Domain Redirection is a Pain

You may want to redirect your domain to a custom domain, but it’s not easy with Blogger.

While doing that, you can lose your existing traffic, authority, and even rankings.

The whole process involves a lot of technical expertise, so you’ll have to hire a developer, which can cost a lot.

Difficult to Build Backlinks

Disadvantages of Blogger: Difficult to build backlinks

According to research, 75% of Blogger blogs are nothing more than spam.

What this means is that Blogger blogs aren’t generally considered reputable resources.

You’ll have a hard time convincing people to link back to your Blogger blog.

And when your blog doesn’t get enough backlinks, it can’t establish its authority in the industry.

Fewer Customization Options

Blogger doesn’t offer many customization options, especially because you can’t install any plugins on it.

These blogs have a typical look and feel that can easily be recognized by a visitor.

No Plugins

This is a major disadvantage of Blogger. Plugins let you customize your blog’s functionality and design.

For instance, WordPress offers plenty of design plugins that help you design beautiful web pages.

Elementor is a good example.

Plus, you also won’t be able to enhance your blog’s SEO functionality.

WordPress plugins like Rank Math, YAOST, and All-in-one SEO help users make their sites search-engine-friendly.

If you want to enhance your Blogger blog’s functionality, you’ll need to get into its code.

Bad Support

Paid hosting services like Hostinger offer prompt customer support.

So, whenever you run into a problem, they fix it for you.

Or, help you fix it easily.

With Blogger, you don’t get that.

Most of the time, you’ll have to read through the online resources for support.

Any specific problems are tough to get resolved quickly with Blogger.

The Future Doesn’t Look Bright

Just a few years back, Google lost its ownership of domain.

As a result, tons of bloggers who relied on the country-level domain suffered.

The worst part is that Google didn’t even give prior notice to its users.

Eventually, these bloggers had to shift to

Who’s to say Google won’t disown its .com version?

Should You Start a Blogger Blog?

The one-word answer would be no.

But, it depends.

If you just want to start a blog to see if it’s right for you, go for Blogger.

But, if you want to make serious money or grow an online business, pay for a hosting platform and get your blog live on WordPress.

Overall, the disadvantages of Blogger easily overweight its advantages, especially if you compare it with other platforms like WordPress.

WordPress is currently the most popular content management system. Bloggers and even big website owners trust the platform.

The benefits of WordPress include:

  • It’s super customizable
  • It’s SEO-friendly
  • It has tons of plugins
  • It offers stunning themes
  • You can easily monetize your WordPress blog in a variety of ways
  • Unlike Blogger, you own your WordPress blog
  • And more

Blogger Review: Frequently Asked Questions

Is Blogger Good for Beginners?

Blogspot is very user-friendly and easy to use, even for complete beginners. Setting up your blog takes just a few minutes, and there are plenty of tutorials and resources available if you need help.

Is Blogger a Good Platform

Blogger is a free platform provided by Google. You can use it to create a blog without having to pay any hosting fees. That said, there are some drawbacks to using a free platform like Blogger. For example, you don’t have as much control over the design and layout of your blog as you would if you were paying for a hosted platform like WordPress. Another thing to keep in mind is that because Blogger is owned by Google, your blog will be hosted on its servers.

Is Blogger Good for SEO?

Blogger is good for SEO, but because it’s very limited in terms of performance, you can’t expect a lot of growth on it. A big drawback is that it doesn’t support plugins, so you have to play with the backend code to modify its functionality.

Which is Better Blogger or WIX?

Does Anyone Still Use Blogger?

Yes, a lot of bloggers still use blogger because it’s fast, free, simple, reliable, and offers unlimited cloud storage. However, because WordPress is more  SEO-friendly and powerful, many bloggers are making it their go-to blogging platform.

Does Blogger Own My Content?

You own your content, but you don’t fully own your blog. This means Google can take it down whenever it finds your content violating any of its policies.

Why Blogger is Better than WordPress?

For one, Blogger is much simpler to use. You don’t need to be a tech expert to figure out how to use it. WordPress is a bit more complicated and can be overwhelming for someone who is not familiar with it.

Another reason why Blogger is better is that it is more affordable. If you want to start a blog on WordPress, you will need to pay for hosting and a domain name. This can get expensive, especially if you are just starting out. With Blogger, you can get started for free.

Final Thoughts: Pros and Cons of Blogger

Blogger is a good free platform if you’re just starting out and not sure if blogging is the right path for you.

But, if you want to get all in, I’d recommend going with WordPress and hosting your blog on a reputable company like Hostinger.

Need help starting a blog? Read: How to Start Blogging (The Right Way)


  • SEO Copywriter - Zain Ul Islam

    Zain is an SEO Copywriter / Freelancer and Digital Marketing with around 4 years of experience in writing and digital marketing. He's currently managing this blog and offering freelance writing services on Fiverr and Legiit.

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