Medium-Tail Keywords: Everything You Should Know

When it comes to SEO, most people focus on either short-tail or long-tail keywords. However, there is another type of keyword that can be just as effective – medium tail keywords. A medium tail keyword is a keyword phrase that consists of 3-5 words.

While medium-tail keywords are not as popular as their short- and long-tail counterparts, they can be a great way to drive traffic to your website.

Medium Tail Keywords: Everything You Need to Know

Medium tail keywords

Long-Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are simply key phrases that are longer and more specific than the average keyword. In the past, marketing experts have recommended targeting short, general keywords in order to reach the widest possible audience. However, with the rise of advanced search engines and changes in user behavior, long-tail keywords have become increasingly important.

There are a few reasons why long-tail keywords are now more valuable than ever. First, people are using more specific search terms when they go online. They’re no longer just typing in “shoes” or “dresses” – they’re searching for things like “women’s size 8 black pumps” or “red party dress under $50.

Short-Tail Keywords

In SEO, short-tail keywords are defined as keywords that are composed of one or two words. These keywords are generally more specific and have less traffic than broad, general keywords (long tail keywords), which are composed of three or more words.

For example, if you were selling shoes, a short tail keyword might be “women’s running shoes” while a long tail keyword might be “best women’s running shoes for Plantar Fasciitis.”

While short-tail keywords may have less traffic than their longer counterparts, they are often easier to rank for and can be a good starting point for businesses just beginning their SEO journey. In addition, short-tail keywords can be used in conjunction with long-tail keywords to create a well-rounded SEO strategy.

Medium-Tail Keywords fall between the long and short variations.

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How to Find Medium Tail Keywords

SEMrush (Paid)

medium tail keywords

If you’re looking for medium-tail keywords with high search volume and low competition, look no further than SEMrush. This powerful keyword research tool can help you quickly and easily find the right keywords for your SEO or PPC campaigns.

SEMrush is a great tool for finding medium-tail keywords because it offers a number of features that other keyword research tools don’t have. For example, its Keyword Magic Tool allows you to filter your results by search volume, keyword difficulty, and more.

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Plus, its Keyword Difficulty Tool gives you an estimate of how difficult it would be to rank for a particular keyword on Google. This is valuable information because it can help you prioritize which keywords to target first.

To get started with SEMrush, simply create an account and then start searching for keywords that are relevant to your business or website.

Try SEMrush for Free

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Google Keyword Planner (Free)

Just enter a seed keyword that describes what you’re trying to promote, and the Planner will return a list of related keywords and phrases.

The tool provides detailed information on monthly search volume for specific keywords, as well as suggested bid prices and competition levels. This data can be used to inform your keyword selection and help you determine which terms are most likely to result in conversions.

Analyze What’s Working

Another method is to look at your website’s analytics data to see which terms people are searching for that land on your site. You can also use Google Search Console to find out what terms you’re already ranking for. Once you have a list of potential medium-tail keywords, you can start incorporating them into your content.

How to Rank for Medium-Tail Keywords

There are essentially three steps in ranking for medium-tail keywords:

1. In order to rank for medium-tail keywords, you need to focus on creating content that is relevant and keyword-rich. This means creating content that is targeted toward the keywords you are trying to rank for, and using those keywords throughout your piece.

2. It is also important to make sure that your website is optimized for search engines. This means ensuring that your titles and meta descriptions are accurate and contain the relevant keywords.

3. Finally, you need to build links to your website from other high-quality websites. This will help improve your website’s authority and increase its chances of ranking for medium-tail keywords.

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Importance of Keyword Research

Any business with an online presence will tell you that one of the most important aspects of running a website is keyword research. It is essential for understanding what terms people are using to search for your products or services, and then make sure your site is optimized for those keywords.

There are a number of different ways to research keywords, but the most important thing is to start with a broad list of potential terms and then narrow it down to the ones that are most relevant to your business. Once you have a solid list of keywords, you can begin incorporating them into your site content, titles, and tags.

Keyword research is an ongoing process, and as your business changes and evolves, so too should your keyword list. By regularly updating your keywords, you can ensure that your site always comes up in relevant search results.

Medium Tail Keywords: FAQs

What are Medium-Tail Keywords?

Medium-tail keywords are 3-5 word phrases that are specific enough to drive targeted traffic, but not so specific that they’re difficult to rank for. For example, a medium-tail keyword for a women’s fashion blog could be “black dresses for work.”

Medium-tail keywords can be an effective addition to your SEO strategy because they help you target a specific audience while still being able to rank well in search engines. Plus, using medium-tail keywords can help you avoid the dreaded keyword stuffing penalty.

What is a Long-Tail Keyword?

A long-tail keyword is a keyword phrase that is composed of three or more words. Long-tail keywords are usually more specific and less competitive than shorter, more popular keywords.

Long-tail keywords are often used by businesses in order to target niche markets. By targeting these specific keyword phrases, businesses can attract a laser-focused audience that is more likely to convert into customers or clients.

What are the 2 Types of Keywords?

The two types of keywords are high-volume keywords and long-tail, low-volume keywords. Low-volume keywords are generally less competitive, making them an attraction for small business owners and bloggers.

What are the 4 Types of Keywords?

Keyword intent is the purpose behind the keyword that a searcher enters into a search engine. There are four main types of keyword intent: informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional.

Informational intent keywords are used when someone wants to learn about something. For example, if someone searches for “how to make a cake,” they are looking for information on how to bake a cake. Navigational keywords are used when someone wants to go to a specific website. For example, if someone types “Facebook” into the search bar, they are looking to go to the Facebook website.

Commercial keywords indicate that the person is looking to buy something. For example, if someone searches for “best laptops under $500,” they are looking for laptops that they can purchase that are within their budget.

Conclusion: Medium-Tail Keywords

In conclusion, medium-tail keywords are a great way to target a specific audience without being too general. They can help you rank higher in search engines and attract more organic traffic. Use them in your title, meta tags, and throughout your content to improve your SEO.


  • Zain

    Zain is an SEO Copywriter / Freelancer and Digital Marketing with around 4 years of experience in writing and digital marketing. He's currently managing this blog and offering freelance writing services on Fiverr and Legiit.

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